Odds and Ends

Getting to Know Steve aka NFTbark

February 20, 2023 Classic Craig and Bitfloorsghost

Steve is awesome.

That should be the entire intro and show notes, but, while that is true, it won't do him justice and allow you to learn more and get to know Steve.

To do that, listen to the episode, follow him on Twitter (https://twitter.com/NFTbark) and get ready to jam with Steve, Ed, and Craig on a variety of topics. From Starbucks Odyssey to Nintendo Switch, this conversation was fantastic and yet another friendship cemented through the beauty of the pod.

Steve is not only the co-author of the very first Harvard Business article about NFTs, but he's working on an entire book about the space. He co-founded dGenNetwork (https://twitter.com/dGenNetwork) with some other amazing humans and literally has 4 jobs in the web3 space right now. 

Truly inspiring stuff, considering how hectic things can be in NFTland. 

Steve is next level awesome and now that it is written here twice, you know that it is true.